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Whether it is about developing an application, managing a network or even organizing files, security guidelines are essential. The organizations that keep their security guidelines aligned and in place from the start not only can assess their options but also make reasonable decisions based on the type of industry and the sensitivity of the information. Threats to business data may change or transform with time, but the basics of security remain the same.

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has outlined a guideline for protecting sensitive and personal information. It guides businesses about how to keep personal information in documents and on systems. Plus, it emphasizes that enterprises protect sensitive data and information they hold and dispose of properly what they no longer need.

Most importantly, FTC puts stress on creating a comprehensive plan and strategy to respond to different security incidents. It wants businesses to have sound resources that can help them think through the principles that apply to their industry. In short, the commission wants firms and companies to address various data security challenges by reviewing security guidelines from time to time.

Security Guidelines for Businesses by FTC

  1. Control access to personal/ confidential data sensibly.
  2. Store sensitive information securely/protect the information during transmission.
  3. Require secure authentication and password.
  4. Segment your networks and monitor who is trying to access it.
  5. Secure remote access to all your networks.
  6. Apply effective security practices when making or developing new products.
  7. Put all procedures in place to ensure security that addresses vulnerabilities and threats that may arise.
  8. Make sure service providers employ sound security measures.
  9. Secure devices and physical media.

Why Having These Security Guidelines in Place Is Important for Businesses

Not having security guidelines in place for protecting personal data in employment applications, credit card PINs, sensitive information and network files that pervade different parts of companies can affect everything.

Business executives and officials often struggle when it comes to managing confidential information. The security experts agree on the first step that says, “Start a business with security.” According to them, factoring the aspect of security into decision making in all departments of your business is crucial.

Maintaining information only is no longer considered a sound strategy to keep a company safe from the issues, such as ID theft, malware, spam, phishing emails, and much more. However, companies need to think through the implications of data decisions and keep reviewing their security guidelines by making conscious and reasonable choices about the information they collect, and the way they handle and access it.

Bottom Line

In a nutshell, by taking security measures, businesses can minimize the risk of data theft down the road. Outsourcing their business processes to an IT company like Bellwether can help companies build a robust security system that can assist in data collection, retention, and the use of policies.